Katie O'Brien's Blog of her Home Birth After Cesarean also known as a HBAC and below is her lovely Facebook post!
I did it-- I rocked my VBAC! Turns out my pubic arch wasn't "too narrow" to fit my babies after all!
I had a csec in July of 2011 with our first daughter because my dr told me (starting at 36 weeks) that I would not be able to birth her because my pubic arch was "too narrow", baby would "never drop," and that if I tried it would "most likely end in a failed labor with an emergency csec." I didn't know any better, so we scheduled the csec for 39 weeks 5 days. I never even felt a contraction.
Fast forward 3 years-- Here's our sweet baby girl, Mary Maeve Elizabeth born peacefully at home on Friday afternoon at 5:37 weighing 8lbs2oz and measuring 21 in. I had the most amazing experience and a beautiful HBAC. She was born at exactly 42 weeks, and after an emotional meltdown on Wednesday, I realized that I needed to completely let go, and let God have control. I put my faith and strength in Him to see our birth through, and I can't put into words just how amazing the power of prayer and humble devotion can be. She was born on the feast day of the presentation of Mary and to the song "Let it Be" by The Beatles.
We have been so blessed to have such an amazing support team of strong and confident birth women guiding us through this journey. We are so grateful to the midwives at BCoJ (Hope and Shea-- you two are a gift to women and I have felt honored to walk this life experience with you both). They always believed in me,my body, and it's ability to birth-- for that alone I am forever thankful!
Also--- I can't say enough about chiropractic care during pregnancy and labor-- it makes all the difference. The amazing husband/ wife team at align came to my house to adjust me TWICE in labor. When dr. Nicole adjusted me the second time, my water broke with the next contraction, and MM was born about 20 later after 18 minutes of pushing. Also-- Our doulas Lori Lee and Emily W were phenomenal. Lori helped to comfort me in early active labor, and Emily was giving me such amazing hypnobirthing breathing baby down techniques that I didn't even realize I was pushing at first-- I thought it was just practice bc I didn't feel her move down.
It was such a surreal, out of body, glorious and spiritual experience! Oh the power of prayer and determination is so awesome!
You CAN do this ladies!! Your body is NOT broken! We were wonderfully made to grow, birth, and nourish our babies. Do not give up hope!
I did it-- I rocked my VBAC! Turns out my pubic arch wasn't "too narrow" to fit my babies after all!
I had a csec in July of 2011 with our first daughter because my dr told me (starting at 36 weeks) that I would not be able to birth her because my pubic arch was "too narrow", baby would "never drop," and that if I tried it would "most likely end in a failed labor with an emergency csec." I didn't know any better, so we scheduled the csec for 39 weeks 5 days. I never even felt a contraction.
Fast forward 3 years-- Here's our sweet baby girl, Mary Maeve Elizabeth born peacefully at home on Friday afternoon at 5:37 weighing 8lbs2oz and measuring 21 in. I had the most amazing experience and a beautiful HBAC. She was born at exactly 42 weeks, and after an emotional meltdown on Wednesday, I realized that I needed to completely let go, and let God have control. I put my faith and strength in Him to see our birth through, and I can't put into words just how amazing the power of prayer and humble devotion can be. She was born on the feast day of the presentation of Mary and to the song "Let it Be" by The Beatles.
We have been so blessed to have such an amazing support team of strong and confident birth women guiding us through this journey. We are so grateful to the midwives at BCoJ (Hope and Shea-- you two are a gift to women and I have felt honored to walk this life experience with you both). They always believed in me,my body, and it's ability to birth-- for that alone I am forever thankful!
Also--- I can't say enough about chiropractic care during pregnancy and labor-- it makes all the difference. The amazing husband/ wife team at align came to my house to adjust me TWICE in labor. When dr. Nicole adjusted me the second time, my water broke with the next contraction, and MM was born about 20 later after 18 minutes of pushing. Also-- Our doulas Lori Lee and Emily W were phenomenal. Lori helped to comfort me in early active labor, and Emily was giving me such amazing hypnobirthing breathing baby down techniques that I didn't even realize I was pushing at first-- I thought it was just practice bc I didn't feel her move down.
It was such a surreal, out of body, glorious and spiritual experience! Oh the power of prayer and determination is so awesome!
You CAN do this ladies!! Your body is NOT broken! We were wonderfully made to grow, birth, and nourish our babies. Do not give up hope!